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Review Article
BioDiscovery 13: e8960 (14 Sep 2014) (14 Sep 2014)
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1. Natural 24-hour biological clock
2. Looping the loop – core machinery of the circadian clock
3. Circadian rhythm of the cell cycle
4. Presence of damage in DNA is a potent cue for adjustment of the circadian clock
5. Circadian oscillations in the levels of gene products directly involved in the regulation of cell division and/or the transition through major cell cycle checkpoints
6. Genotype-phenotype correlations for mutations and polymorphisms in genes coding for products of the core circadian machinery
7. Association between the disruption of circadian rhythm and the risk of occurrence of common diseases and conditions (diseases of middle and advanced age)
8. Putting chronobiological concepts at work - chronological nutrition and cancer chronotherapy
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