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Review Article
BioDiscovery 18: e8970 (23 Dec 2015) (23 Dec 2015)
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1. Fertility issues in couples where the woman is 35 years of age or older - now we see them, now we don't
2. Increased risks for adverse outcomes in pregnancies after age 35 - is age really the cause?
3. Individual capacity for repair of genotoxic damage - invisible in peace, (almost) invincible in war
4. Role of individual repair capacity in oogenesis and oocyte maturation
5. Role of individual repair capacity in the constitution of the risk for diseases and conditions that may decrease the chances for conception
6. Role of individual repair capacity for the chances of natural or assisted conception
7. Role of the individual repair capacity in the constitution of the risk for pregnancy-induced or pregnancy-associated diseases and conditions
8. Role of the individual repair capacity in the constitution of the risk for prematurity and low birthweight infants
9. Conclusions