Chemotherapy has been the mainstay of therapy for acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) for over five decades. Despite doses of cytarabine and anthracyclines approaching the limits of haematopoietic tolerance, half of all patients eventually relapse [
The increasing queue of cytotoxic drugs failing to improve clinical outcomes in patients with relapsed and refractory AML indicates the existence of a fundamental mechanism conferring tolerance to genotoxic drugs within leukaemic cells. An attractive hypothesis was that multidrug resistance could be explained by the identification of drug efflux pumps on AML cells. This led to a generation of largely unsuccessful randomised clinical studies combining cytotoxic regimens to inhibitors of multidrug transporters, such as P-glycoprotein [
Thanh-Trang Vo and colleagues from Anthony Letai’s laboratory at Harvard have recently proposed that clinical responses to chemotherapy as well as long-term clinical outcomes may be determined functionally by assessing the capacity of BH3 peptides to induce mitochondrial depolarisation, a method they termed “BH3 profiling” [
The Harvard team applied BH3 profiling to a large cohort of clinically annotated AML samples from the Dana-Farber and Memorial Sloan Kettering. From this work, they concluded that BH3 profiling was a determinant of initial response to induction chemotherapy, relapse after remission, and requirement for allogeneic bone marrow transplantation and that this information could be exploited for the personalization of therapy for AML. From a clinical perspective, how would this information be used? At presentation, most patients fit enough to receive chemotherapy will do so, because of the rapidly progressive nature of the disease. A large proportion of patients with low primed AML still achieve complete remission (CR), so that treatment would unlikely be deterred by this fact. Physicians must be as confident as possible that patients intended for stem cell transplantation are at high risk for relapse and that patients already in a cured state are not unintentionally transplanted. For patients achieving complete remission, BH3 profiling was able to distinguish a sub-group of approximately 20% of patients that were “cured” at that point and did not clinically relapse. All patients in this “cured” group had highly primed AML samples with a >60% response to 0.1μM BimBH3 peptide [
A more intriguing finding in the paper by Vo et al was the suggestion that the dominant pro-survival factor in human AML was Bcl-2, compared to Mcl-1 in normal hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) [

Previously, work by Glaser et al from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute identified Mcl-1 as a critical survival factor in AML [
Next generation sequencing has shown that hundreds of coding mutations potentially exist within each AML genome [
We wish to acknowledge funding support received from the Leukaemia Foundation of Australia, the Victorian Cancer Agency and the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia.
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