1. Fertility issues in couples where the woman is 35 years of age or older - now we see them, now we don't
According to the definition of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) in 1958 on "Elderly primigravidae", advanced maternal age (AMA) was defined as 35 years and older at the time of birth of the child. In the last 25 years, the age of birth of first child has shifted significantly towards later reproductive years. Among the developed countries, the age of first birth in 2015 has been lowest in the US (26 years, according to the US Centre for disease prevention and control (CDC). At the same time, 20 % of the women in the US have their first child after the age of 35 [
About 80 % of the couples that are trying to have a child achieve conception within 6 months of unprotected intercourse. After a total of 12 months, the rates of natural conception rise to 85-90 % of all couples [
Identification of a physical cause for the couple's infertility is usually possible in about 85-90 % of in couples with reproductive issues. The contribution of female and male infertility is roughly equal. About 40 % of infertile couples have a combination of male and female factor infertility [
An estimated 30-40 % of the couples in which the woman is older than 35 years may face fertility issues [
The shorter period of expectant management and the lower rates of conception within 6 months mean that older women are more likely to be referred to fertility evaluations and to be offerred AR techniques in order to achieve a pregnancy. While fertility evaluations and subsequent interventions are undoubtedly important for the successful resolution of fertility issues, it would do well to remember that in couples where the woman is ≥ 35 the spontaneous pregnancy rates usually reach 85 % within 48 months. Therefore, the absolute pregnancy rates in these couples may not be very different from the 48-months rates observed in younger couples.
2. Increased risks for adverse outcomes in pregnancies after age 35 - is age really the cause?
The age of the woman in the couple is believed to play a role not only in the chance for conception (fertility), but also in the capacity to sustain pregnancy and carry successfully to term (fecundity). Generally, the risks for pregnancy loss, pregnancy complications or adverse outcomes at different stages increase with maternal age.
The risk for spontaneous loss of pregnancy is unusually high in humans.
In young women without recognisable risk factors, an estimated 40-50 % of early embryos are lost around the time of implantation, that is, before the pregnancy could be clinically recognised [
Nevertheless, about 70-80 % of the children with Down syndrome are born to women younger than the age of 35. This is primarily related to the fact that the majority of women pregnant at any given time are < 35. Despite the fact that the percentage of pregnant women ≥ 35 has been growing for the past 10-20 years, a significant increase in the incidence rates of clinically significant chromosomal defects has not been noted yet. This may be explained with the high sensitivity and specificity of the screening methods that are currently in use and the and the accessibility and financial affordability of the screening tests.
There are biological mechanisms that increase the risk for conceiving a child with chromosomal defects at advanced maternal age. This risk, in itself, is unavoidable. At the same time, giving birth to a child affected with chromosomal disease or neural tube defect is preventable.
The incidence of ectopic pregnancy increases with AMA. The rates of ectopic pregnancy in women aged 20-25 is about 1.5 - 2 %, whereas in women aged 44 years and older these are reported to be about 7 % (3-4-fold increase) [
Complications of pregnancy are significantly more common in pregnant women ≥ 35 and may be associated with higher risks for fetal demise. These risks, however, may be related to pre-existing diseases and conditions that became exacerbated during pregnancy. For example, the risk for developing preeclampsia is 2- to 3-fold elevated for pregnant women aged ≥ 35 compared to women aged 25-29 [
Advanced maternal age is believed to be associated with increased rates of stillbirth. The absolute risk of stillbirth for women 25-29 years old is about 1:1 000 ongoing pregnancies, whereas the risk for women aged 35-39 years old and women ≥ 40 years old is estimated at 1:382 and 1:267 pregnancies, respectively [
Increased rates (over 4-fold) of spontaneous multiple pregnancies, specifically with dizygotic twins are observed in older mothers [
Advanced maternal age is a predisposing factor for virtually all complications of pregnancy. Nevertheless, an older gravida may have just as favourable an outcome as a younger woman, provided that adequate antenatal care (based upon a combined strategy of informed decision-making and early diagnosis and intervention) is available. At present, it is possible for women of advanced maternal age to have successful pregnancies with favourable outcome rates not significantly different from those of younger women if pre-existing chronic diseases and pregnancy-induced diseases conditions were timely recognised and adequately treated [
The risks for age-related chromosomal abnormalities in the foetus may be an object of special concern in the first and second trimester, whereas late complications of pregnancy (preeclampsia, uterine bleeding due to placenta previa/vasa previa or placental abruption), IUGR and risks for preterm delivery may dominate the third trimester. These concerns, nevertheless, are not uncommon in younger women as well. Logically, a question arises whether advanced age as such (and the accompanying diseases and conditions) may be the underlying cause for the increased risk for adverse outcomes in older pregnant women, or whether there might be other factor/s that may account for the age-related increase of the risks but do not radically worsen the prospects for favourable pregnancy outcomes for women ≥ 35. Below we will speculate on the nature of such factor/s, their potential effect on pre-conception, conception/implantation and in the course of pregnancy and the age-dependent effects that may modulate their impact in older gravidas.
3. Individual capacity for repair of genotoxic damage - invisible in peace, (almost) invincible in war
Biomolecules in living cells are subjected daily to significant amounts of damage. The majority of the damaged molecules are replaced shortly after the damage has occurred in order to prevent lasting effects on the integrity of the cell. Only one type of biological molecule - namely, genomic DNA - cannot be replaced as it represents the blueprint for synthesis of the major biological polymers in the living cell, including its own synthesis. Damage to the cellular genome is, instead, repaired on a regular basis. The efficiency of the cellular repair mechanisms is normally very high. The average eukaryotic cell has to manage no less than 104 - 105 instances of damage per day [
Until several decades ago, it was believed that decreased capacity to repair genomic damage unavoidably resulted in severe disease. Indeed, the first human disease that was linked to deficiency in DNA repair (xeroderma pigmentosum, XP) was characterised by an early-onset severe phenotype that usually caused death in childhood or adolescence [
Carriership of genetic variants conferring DNA repair capacity different (subtly lower or, in rare cases, subtly higher) than the average is not associated with immediate negative or positive effects, at least not until the carrier individuals are young and (generally) healthy. As the individual ages, however, the capacity to recognise and repair DNA damage gradually declines. Thus, individual variance in IRC may become more pronounced and/or may determine the susceptibility to common diseases and conditions in later age [
At present, the role of IRC in mammalian (specifically, human) fertility is under intensive study. The association of carriership of variant alleles of genes coding for major proteins of DNA repair with fertility and risks for early pregnancy loss has already been demonstrated [
In the present paper we propose that the well-known age-related effects on female fertility and the increased risks for adverse pregnancy outcomes in the older gravida may be related not to advanced 'age' as such, but to maternal capacity to detect and repair genotoxic damage and the health risks associated with subtle but lasting deficiencies of repair capacity. IRC apparently plays a role in the repair of damage in the haploid parental genomes in the course of fertilisation, in the maintenance of the viability of the embryo in the early days and weeks of pregnancy and in limiting the inflammatory and apoptotic responses triggered by high levels of unrepaired DNA damage in order to ensure adequate placentation and normal foetal growth. Thus, the individual risks associated with childbirth late in life may result from the complex interaction between the maternal genetic background (establishing the bases of propensity for pre-existing and pregnancy-induced disease) and environmental factors that may trigger and/or promote development of disease. In the near future it may be possible to use the accumulated data about the role of IRC in human fertility and fecundity to appraise the chances for successful pregnancy by natural means or using the opportunities provided by modern AR techniques and to predict reliably the risks for adverse pregnancy outcomes, especially in older pregnant women.
4. Role of individual repair capacity in oogenesis and oocyte maturation
Male and female gametes in mammals (and, in fact, in all higher eukaryotes) are very dissimilar to one another in virtually all aspects - size, morphology and biological properties. The mature male gamete (spermatozoon) is much smaller and significantly more mobile than the female gamete. It is also relatively short-lived, as it is equipped only with the bare basics for its survival and, potentially, fulfilment of its biological function - a large number of mitochondria to provide rapid energy production, a tail with specific cytoskeletal organisation to ensure the capacity for rapid movement, an acrosome containing the hydrolytic enzymes needed for penetration beyond the outer protective layers of the oocyte; and a haploid nucleus with densely packed DNA. Nuclear transactions (replication, transcription, DNA repair) are completely suppressed in the mature spermatozoon. In contrast, the mature female gamete (oocyte) is significantly larger and needs to be passively propelled from the ovary to the uterine cavity. It also contains significant amounts of pre-stocked RNA transcripts, proteins, and energy sources and a full set of cellular organelles, as the first divisions of the prospective zygote are to be provided for by the oocyte's own reserves. Thus, the resources of the male gametes are allocated to traits that enhance success in the competition for fertilisation whereas female gametes allocate their resources primarily to the offspring [
The earliest stages of human oogenesis occur during intrauterine life of the female foetus. In the early weeks of the second trimester, multiple mitotic divisions of the precursor cells of the germinal epithelium occur, resulting in 6-7 millions of diploid oogonia in the developing foetal ovary. In 18-22 w.g., a mass apoptotic wave decreases the number of oogonia (oogonial atresia), limiting the number of potential primordial follicles to 4-5 million [
As was already mentioned, potential human oocytes are subjected to serial selections from the stage of oogonia onwards. The selection proceeds in the manner typical of differentiating cells, using criteria of the type 'fulfils requirements in order to proceed to the next stage' and 'has received a survival signal', with all cells that do not comply with these criteria being routed to the programmed cell death pathway. DNA replication is significant source of potential DNA damage, not only because unpacked and untangled DNA is vulnerable to genotoxic insults but also because of the inherent error-proneness of DNA synthesis. Cell division is controlled by strict checkpoints that dictate that all DNA must be replicated and that only very low levels of unrepaired DNA damage (ideally-none at all) must be present in order to enable the cell to proceed before actual division of cell components. Therefore, checks for integrity of DNA and the presence of errors are carried out in at least three crucially important checkpoints during different phases of the cell cycle: the G1/S phase checkpoint; the intra-S-phase checkpoint and the G2/M phase checkpoint [
Individual capacity for DNA repair may play a role in follicular atresia as well. Apoptotic death of follicles is mediated primarily by apoptosis of granulosa cells, the hormone and growth factor-secreting cells supporting and stimulating the development of the oocyte. It is generally believed that the main factor determining the outcomes of the apoptotic selection for different follicles is whether they have received adequate gonadotropin support [
Quiescent follicles do not replicate their DNA any further (a pre-requisite to generation of a haploid genome) and normally have a very low metabolic rate. The latter means that they generate very low levels of radical oxygen species (ROS) with a potential to damage the DNA of the oocyte or the surrounding cells. There is also the fact that genetic recombination (occurring in prophase I) is associated with legitimate generation of multiple instances of reactive DNA ends. Presence of free DNA ends is one of the most potent triggers for recruitment of DNA repair machinery; therefore, maintenance of near-normal DNA repair capacity in cells undergoing meiotic recombination may cause unneeded activation of the repair mechanisms. Thus, the capacity for DNA repair is preserved in the quiescent oocyte, albeit at a baseline level only. As the oocyte quiescence in humans lasts for decades, it increases the risk for occurrence of random DNA damage. This minimal damage is normally promptly repaired and subtle variations in the repair capacity matter very little in the quiescent mammalian oocyte. Of course, the prolonged arrest in prophase I may increase the risk for random association and subsequent ligation of free ends, increasing the risk for chromosomal fusion and breakage (indeed, nondisjunction of the two 21 chromosomes at prophase I is believed to be the cause of at least two-thirds of the Down syndrome cases [
Mitochondrial DNA generally bears the brunt of oxidative damage in living cells, partly because of its physical proximity to the main source of oxidative stress (the electron transport chains in the inner mitochondrial membrane) and the specific mode of histone-free packaging. There is very little polymorphism in mitochondrial DNA because of the increased gene density, but once a benign variant occurs; it may be transmitted down many generations via the female line. Since mitochondrial DNA is virtually never subject of recombination, a set of mitochondrial polymorphisms on the same molecule usually segregates as a single unit (mitochondrial haplogroup). Single polymorphisms that make up a haplogroup have very little effect on the general properties of carrier mitochondria, but some mitochondrial haplogroups as a whole may be associated with differential oxidative capacity. Specifically, the haplogroup H (the most common mitochondrial haplogroup in Europe) is associated with higher-than-average oxygen consumption and ATP output whereas the related haplogroups J and T are associated with lower-than-average oxygen consumption and ATP output [
The capacity for DNA repair of the oocyte has another very important function (apart from the maintenance of the integrity of its own genome) that becomes apparent at the stage of fertilisation. It was already mentioned that mature spermatozoa are virtually incapable of repairing their own DNA, as it is very tightly packed and the proteins and organelles of the DNA repair machinery are lost in the course of differentiation. The mature sperm needs a lot of energy provided by numerous mitochondria located in its midpiece. The intensive oxidative metabolism of the spermatozoon generates a significant amount of ROS with genotoxic potential. The packaging of the genome of the sperm decreases the risk for occurrence of damage, but once it occurs, it cannot be repaired. Thus, the quality of sperm DNA is characterised by its level of fragmentation. It has long been noted that the level of fragmentation negatively correlates with the success rates of in vitro fertilisation (IVF)/ intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICS) and embryo cleavage [
5. Role of individual repair capacity in the constitution of the risk for diseases and conditions that may decrease the chances for conception
Carriership of several common polymorphisms in genes coding for key proteins of DNA damage detection and repair and/or maintenance of genomic integrity has been associated with modulation of the risk for certain diseases and conditions that affect female fertility, e.g. endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). A prime example is the already mentioned Pro72Arg polymorphism in the TP53 gene [
Carriership of polymorphisms in genes coding for regulators of p53 may also have an effect on female fertility. A recent study showed that a polymorphism in the gene coding for the major negative regulator of the stability and activity of p53 - the E3 ubiquitin ligase MDM2 - was associated with modulation of the risk for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) [
The TP53 Pro72Arg allele and other polymorphic alleles of genes with roles in DNA repair and maintenance of genomic integrity were shown to play a role in the constitution of the chance for twin pregnancies. Specifically, carriership of the Pro72 allele and the rs1563828 polymorphism in a gene closely related to MDM2 - MDM4 were shown to be associated with increased rates of twinning, both monozygotic and dizygotic, with the odds ratio for carriers of Pro72 allele to have twin pregnancies being elevated almost 3-fold [
6. Role of individual repair capacity for the chances of natural or assisted conception
Female carriership of the 72Pro allele of the TP53 Pro72Arg polymorphism has been associated with decreased chances for conception [
There are other authors that report that in their study groups the effects of carriership of polymorphisms associated with female infertility were more pronounced in younger (>35 years) women than in older women [
The effects of carriership of variant alleles of TP53 may be significant in embryo implantation and at post-implantation stages as well. Carriership of the TP53 72Pro allele is overrepresented among women with idiopathic recurrent miscarriage [
At least two polymorphisms in the LIF gene (the rs929271 SNP in the 3'-untranslated region and the Val64Met polymorphism have been shown to be overrepresented in young (< 35 years) women with idiopathic infertility and in sub-fertile young women (signified by a history of fertility treatments other than IVF) [
Maternal as well as foetal homozygous genotype by the variant (G) allele of MDM2 SNP309 polymorphism (associated with increased level of MDM2, a negative regulator of p53) is specifically implicated in modulation of the risk for missed abortion [
Carriership of the MTHFR 677T allele confers increased risk for venous thromboembolism and vascular disease, especially in homozygotes [
Carriership of single alleles associated with increased risk for infertility may not have a significant effect on the phenotype. Nevertheless, since most of these polymorphisms are quite common, carriership of more than one variant allele/s of genes coding for proteins with roles in DNA damage detection and repair and maintenance of genomic integrity may co-occur in the same woman, modulating the effect of each of the separate polymorphisms. For example, maternal homozygocity by the variant allele of the MDM2 SNP309 polymorphism (associated with increased rates of missed abortion) co-inherited together with the rs17506395 in the TP63 gene, coding for a another member of the p53 family of DNA-binding proteins resulted in augmentation of the risk for recurrent pregnancy loss conferred by either of these polymorphisms [
7. Role of the individual repair capacity in the constitution of the risk for pregnancy-induced or pregnancy-associated diseases and conditions
The prevalence of pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) is estimated to be 5-9 % and of prevalence of preeclampsia - 5-7 % of pregnant women, with the risk for first pregnancy being 4-5 times higher than for subsequent pregnancies, except in women where the interval between births was longer than 5-7 years [
The first studies dedicated to the role of specific components of DNA repair pathways in the pathogenesis of complications of pregnancy such as preeclampsia and haemolysis/elevated liver enzymes/low platelets (HELLP) syndrome came from retrospective studies in families with children affected with the rare genetic disorder of trichothiodystrophy (TTD) type 1. TTD-1 is characterised by brittle sulphur-deficient hair, photosensitivity, developmental abnormalities and reduced life span [
Gestational diabetes is a common complication of pregnancy, with prevalence varying between 5 % and 9 %, according to different sources [
Carriership of polymorphic variants of genes conferring decreased activity of key enzymes functioning in repair of oxidation damage (specifically, NEIL1, one of the three mammalian homologues of the bacterial BER glycosylase nei) have already been implicated in the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome and diabetes type 2 in humans [
8. Role of the individual repair capacity in the constitution of the risk for prematurity and low birthweight infants
There is a small but representative number of studies linking the level of DNA damage (specifically, oxidative damage) and the risk for prematurity/low birthweight. Concomitant elevation in the levels of markers for DNA damage and markers for lipid peroxidation is indicative of mitochondrial damage as a result of unmanaged oxidative stress (because of high levels of generation of ROS due to inefficient energy utilisation and/or defective repair of oxidative damage). Elevated levels of urinary excretion of 8-OH-dG and malondialdehyde as a marker of lipid peroxidation were consistently observed in women that later gave birth to preterm infants, whereas lower levels of both metabolites were correlated with increased chances for term birth and normal birthweight [
p53 and the p53-regulated pathways may they also play a role at later stages of pregnancy, besides their roles at pre-conception and implantation stages. Again, ethical considerations limit the amount of data for human reproductive biology, but studies carried out in female mice show that intrauterine deficiency of p53 is characterised by premature terminal differentiation and senescence-associated growth restriction of decidual cells, resulting in a significant increase in preterm births [
The risks for pregnancy-induced complications, prematurity and low birthweight seem to be determined by the levels of extra oxidative damage generated in the course of pregnancy and the capacity of the mother and the growing foetus to manage damage efficiently. The degree of tissue damage and, respectively, the pregnancy outcomes may be very different in women with near-normal or superior capacity for repair of DNA damage and in women with inherited subtle deficiencies of DNA repair. These differences may be very small in younger women but may become prominent in older women, and, specifically, in those with pre-existing conditions and diseases associated with increased maternal levels of oxidative damage.
9. Conclusions
Pregnant women aged ≥ 35 may need to wait longer to conceive, are more likely to need assistance in conceiving, may experience higher rates of embryonic and foetal loss, may be at increased risk for chromosomal disease in the foetus, may exhibit higher rates of common pregnancy complications such as PIH and gestational diabetes and are more likely to give birth to premature and/or low birthweight infants than younger women. Nevertheless, the outcomes of pregnancies in women >35 depend on the pre-pregnancy health status and the quality of antenatal care the women receive, and may not be dramatically different from pregnancy outcomes in younger women. At present, data about the role of individual capacity for identification and repair of damage in DNA in the constitution of female fertility and fecundity is rapidly accumulating, indicating for a need for a more complex approach in the obstetrical management of older pregnant women.
This research was supported by Grant No. DFNI-B01/2 at the National Science Fund, Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Bulgaria.
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